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Leading experts from public and private sectors gather to explore critical drivers in growing China's talent pool.

随着中国经济向服务驱动型经济转型, the country’s education system needs to ensure that it keeps pace with this change and equips its workforce with the skills required by the market. 尽管进行了巨大的改革, the country’s skills mismatch continues to challenge the vitality of the workforce and the success of its new innovation-driven growth model. 这个问题是J.P. 摩根-Asia社会 领先一步系列 研讨会(“研讨会”)今天在北京举行.


J联合主办.P. 摩根, 亚洲协会香港中心及中国发展研究基金会, 专题讨论会的目的是讨论 Charting a New Course: The 影响 of Vocational Education and Innovation on Cultivating China's Talent,这是第八次迭代 领先一步系列 2014年推出. It brought together leading experts from the public and private sectors as well as the academia to examine the current state of China's economic development, 人口和劳动力市场的变化以及教育体系, and to discuss the pressing need to prioritize vocational education and innovation to support China's future economic growth model amidst a working-age population that is reducing in numbers.

The Symposium highlighted the importance of vocational education and training as a key economic function to provide young people with the needed skill set and qualities to integrate and succeed in the marketplace. Intermediate vocational training graduates who gained direct employment in 2016 accounted for 36% of new entrants to the workforce that year. 在研讨会上,CDRF和J.P. 摩根 shared their mutual experiences in systematic intervention in vocational education in China and shared best practices in the United States and beyond.

“China and many countries across the world have implemented various policies to 提高教学质量 of secondary vocational schools, 提高学生的软技能和技术能力, 培养一个健康的, 积极的人生观和职业前景. 我们在中国的重点是重塑这些商学院的战略思维和管理风格, 提高教学质量, 为学生提供课外活动,提高实践技能, 深化学校与雇主的合作, 扭转职业学校学生的污名,”先生说。. 中国发展研究基金会副理事长兼秘书长卢迈.

作为全球最大的金融服务公司之一,J.P. 摩根有资源也有责任做出改变, 利用我们的力量, 全球影响力, 专业知识和获得资本的途径有助于建立实现包容性经济增长的新途径. 我们支持该地区的一系列项目, 专注于提高劳动力准备程度, boosting small businesses and creating new opportunities for young people and disadvantaged communities. This annual Symposium and our collaboration with CDRF in China further underscore our commitment to bringing key issues to light and helping create tangible solutions to support this region in realizing a continued prosperity,”先生说。. Nicolás阿古津主席 & J首席执行官.P. 摩根亚太.

在研讨会期间,J.P. 摩根还宣布了公司的中国青年新技能项目. As part of the firm’s global effort to create and enhance skills training opportunities for young people around the world, 这笔赠款将用于支持CDRF的“为了光明未来”倡议. 累计捐款1200多万元人民币.P. 摩根已连续第二年支持这一倡议. 预计受益150人,四川31所中等职业学校的1000名学生, 广东, 贵州和河北, this initiative aims to enhance the quality of teaching at these schools in order to better equip students with the skills they need to enter the workforce and advance their careers. J的资助.P. 摩根还将使CDRF能够收集和分析数据, findings and insights from the initiative to inform policy makers on how to further strengthen China's vocational education system in the future.

“Rapid economic growth and urbanization in Asia have created economic miracles out of many of the 亚洲 countries in the past decades. 然而,随着21世纪的发展, regional economies face unprecedented pressures and challenges ranging from global competitiveness and technological transformation, 教育基础设施和发展, 青年失业和日益扩大的贫富差距. Asia Society believes it is important to stimulate and drive an on-going dialogue on these critical issues so that the region can continue to thrive and benefit our future generations,陈启宗说, 亚洲协会名誉主席及亚洲协会香港中心主席


  • 职业培训改革扩大就业机会
    Vocational education provides industries with close to 10 million technical talents every year, 振兴高技术产业和战略性新兴产业. 近年来, 中国把提高职业教育质量作为发展的优先方向. President Xi Jinping said at the 2014 National Vocational Education Working Conference “to build a vocational education system with Chinese characteristics” and to deepen structural reform. 在第十九届全国人民代表大会的报告中, 他再次呼吁“完善职业教育培训体系”, deepen integration between industry and education and cooperation between enterprises and colleges”. 今年, the Ministry of Education also reaffirmed its intention to increase cooperation between vocational schools and enterprises to ensure training meets industry needs.
  • 应对劳动力萎缩
    在过去, 中国的劳动力一直是中国经济成功的主要推动力, 但中国目前正面临着工作年龄人口迅速减少的问题. 劳动力在2011年达到9.25亿的峰值,此后一直在下降. By 2050, 劳动年龄人口预计将比2011年的峰值减少20%, 到7亿. 研讨会期间, 领导人讨论了在这种新的经济现实下实现增长所必须做出的努力, how to accelerate productivity to maintain momentum and whether innovation is the key solution to countering this trend.
  • 工业转向创新以实现可持续的经济增长
    随着国家从持续经济增长转向可持续经济增长, the Made in China 2025 strategy and national scientific and technological innovation plan are aimed at strengthening the country’s innovation capabilities. 研讨会期间, participants argued that although there are more highly educated university and vocational graduates entering the job market, 2017年,中国高校毕业生达到创纪录的800万人, the quality of the labor force falls short of meeting the requirements of today’s demanding jobs, 特别是在新兴产业. Aligning education with market needs is crucial to equip the new generation entering the labor market with the skills needed to fill today’s jobs.

研讨会结束时,刘先生与刘先生进行了丰富的对话. 陈启宗, 詹姆斯·坚定,金沙江创投董事总经理, 和朴朴,副主席,全球投资银行,J.P. 摩根中国, 中国未来的经济增长模式, 应对劳动力老龄化趋势, 让当代人为新的就业市场做好准备, and the ways that vocational training and innovation-led growth can cultivate China's talent pool and counter the declining workforce.


  • 罗尼C. 香港亚洲协会名誉主席及亚洲协会香港中心主席
  • Nicolás阿古津主席 & 亚太区首席执行官,J.P. 摩根
  • 副董事长陆迈 & 中国发展研究基金会秘书长
  • Zhang Laiming, Vice President (Vice Minister), Development 研究 Center of the State Council
  • 中华人民共和国中央新疆工作协调小组办公室副部长陆新
  • 昌西·列侬,总经理 & 澳博官方网站app基金会全球劳动力计划主管
  • 布里塔·布施菲尔德,德国工商局职业培训部主任
  • 陈立能,院长,浙江经济职业技术学院
  • 黄燕,TAL首席技术官
  • 创始人姚力 & 国阵职业学校主席
  • 方进,中国发展研究基金会副秘书长
  • Hao Jianbin, Director, Entrepreneurship and Employment 研究 Center, Ali 研究 研究所
  • 彭平根,中智人力资源管理咨询有限公司总经理.有限公司.
  • 王晓明,国务院发展研究中心研究员
  • SAP公共服务行业首席顾问吴彤
  • 任波,财新周刊助理总编辑 & 财新网副总编辑.com
  • 詹姆斯·坚定,金沙江创投董事总经理
  • Park Pu,副主席,全球投资银行,J.P. 摩根中国


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